This website is for the love, support, and help for Carmen Blandin-Tarleton. She was brutally attacked by her ex-husband in June, but stays strong and fights incredibly. She is 'remarkable.'

This website is to get information out, and provides information on how to donate to her fund. All proceeds go directly to Carmen and her famliy, including her two teenage daughters.

Thank you for visiting and we hope you keep Carmen in your thoughts and prayers. She has such an amazing network of family, friends, and support, it is truly overwhelming and every bit helps.

-Family of Carmen Tarleton

A book has been published filled with poems and writings about and for Carmen. All proceeds go to the Carmen Tarleton Fund. To purchase please click the picture below. Thank you. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at  Photobucket

Make A Donation With PayPal!

To Make A Donation Just Click The Button Below! Thank You!

August 15, 2008

WCAX Interview

Carmen was interviewed by WCAX News in Vermont. Part of the inteview aired on August 14 and the second part will air on August 15 on the 6:00 pm news. A transcript as well as a video of the first half of the inteview is posted on WCAX's website here: